Hidden Barriers To Cash Flow Improvement

Companies spend useful resources on non-core tasks.
People costs are easily 60% to 75% of a typical organization. We conduct a clinical and unemotional assessment of the value of each function’s tasks and then re-engineer tasks with a customer value centric approach. We often find the 80:20 rule to be true – 80% of resources are spent on routine, repetitive and support tasks that add little value to the customer. Yet employees will fight to keep doing what they have been doing all along. By documenting and transforming workflows, we offer solutions for substantial cash savings in your personnel cost and more importantly re-purpose your people on tasks that add value to increase the company’s value to the customer.
Nothing kills a small business like presenting a disorganized brand to your current and future customers. Your company must function like clockwork and we implement best practices across your organization. We specially focus on Customer Experience processes, as we believe everything flows from there.
Wrong and delayed decisions are the result of this root cause. We help develop Key Performance Metrics, Meaningful Budgets, Analytical reports and close the books quickly and accurately for you.
“At 8am each morning, I already had Performance Reports for the previous day! This was simply invaluable as I knew exactly how my business was performing real time.” – authentic customer statement

Not having a social media presence means hundreds of thousands in missed sales. This opportunity loss is in addition to the actual cash loss of pouring marketing dollars without seeing significant return.
Many companies do a cost reduction exercise, only to find a few months later, that they are at the same level. We bring in systematic and periodic cost assessment exercises and handle re-negotiations with suppliers to keep costs down on a longer term basis.
Small business owners many times exhaust all their personal capital before seeking other financing options. This puts their personal credit at risk and is one of the biggest losses to small businesses.
Unless owners share their vision, delegate and trust their employees, there will be no sustainable growth in the company. But letting go is hard due to past failures. Root cause for this is that employees do not have the passion that the owners have. We help break this vicious cycle by setting clear priorities and employee empowerment practices.